OCD WA Education Series: Trauma & OCD with Dr. Caitlin Pinciotti

October 16, 2024

'Trauma & OCD' with Dr Caitlin Pinciotti
OCD Awareness Week: Expanded Access to Education Series

To commemorate OCD Awareness Week, OCD WA is excited to extend access to our Education Series —traditionally offered to our volunteer psychology students — to the broader community.

We are honored to welcome Dr Caitlin Pinciotti as our special guest speaker, presenting on Trauma and OCD, followed by a Q&A session.

Dr Pinciotti is a Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas). Her clinical and research work focuses on OCD, PTSD and trauma, with a particular expertise in the intersection of these conditions, and how they affect symptom severity, presentation, and response to cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Event via Zoom: 
Wednesday 16 October  
PDT (CA) 0700 | CDT (TX) 0900 | UTC 1400 | BST (UK) 1500 | AWST (Perth) 2200 
Thursday 17 October
AEST (Brisbane) 0000 | AEDT (Sydney) 0100 | NZDT (NZ) 0300 

If you have not yet received an invitation and would like to attend, please complete the form at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtdzCtwEuDUX6MrLboyj1gzJ23DCMmc56u6TuB1EY0aVgA0A/viewfor. The Zoom link will be sent out by OCD WA closer to the event.

We look forward to having you join us for this insightful presentation! 

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